1. You post goods to storage location A. You notice that documents are missing, so you decide that the goods should not be used any further for the time being. The missing documents turn up at a later stage and you proceed with the respective posting. The goods are subsequently moved from storage location A to storage location B, which you also record in the system. In what sequence are the three goodsmovements carried out?
Select the correct answer.
a) Goods receipt – transfer posting – stock transfer
b) Goods receipt – stock transfer – transfer posting
c) Goods receipt – transfer order – goods issue
d) Goods receipt – transfer posting – goods issue
2. Within a store, you want to be able to track inventory independently at a department level. What would you use to define the department within a store?
Select the correct answer.
a) Shop
b) Store
c) Customer
d) Site
3. Each store must have an EDI Partner Profile before data can be transmitted outbound or inbound. The EDI Partner Profile requires a partner type to be defined. Which partner type is required for the EDI Partner Profile?
Select the correct answer.
a) KU – Customer
b) LI – Vendor
c) US – User
d) AP – Contact Person
4. One store in your company is supplied from a distribution center that is located in a neighboring country. For which organizational structures do you need to create the store master data?
Select true or false for each possible answer.
Note: There are 2 true answers to this question.
True False
a) You must create the store and the distribution center in different company codes.
b) You must assign the distribution chains in such a way that the issuing distribution chain of the distribution center is the same as the receiving distribution chain of the store.
c) You must create the store and the distribution center in different clients.
d) You must assign the store to a separate purchasing organization.
5. A fashion retailer uses seasonal procurement for purchasing in SAP Retail. In conjunction with this, they also want to use cross-docking with prepacking so that the vendors deliver the goods to the distribution center ready for the recipients. What settings do you need to make in SAP Retail?
Select true or false for each possible answer.
Note: There are 3 true answers to this question.
True False
a) You flag the vendors as relevant for collective numbering
b) In Customizing for seasonal procurement, you activate the option for creating a separate vendor order for each recipient.
c) You assign a distribution profile to the article in the logistics data of the distribution center. The profile must contain the processing method cross-docking.
d) You set a delivery split for inbound deliveries in Customizing.
e) In the additional data of the article, you assign an additional without a procedure.
6. Which of the following can be used (among others) to define sales prices for articles in SAP Retail?
Select true or false for each possible answer.
Note: There are 3 true answers to this question.
True False
a) Promotions
b) Competitor pricing
c) Markdown pricing
d) Product catalog
e) Article monitor
7. In your customer's SAP Retail system, when a purchase order was created from a purchase requisition, the system incorrectly converted a text item into an account assignment-relevant item. What must you do to permanently correct this error?
Select the correct answer.
a) Delete the assignment of item category T (=Text) to account assignment categories.
b) Define a new account assignment key.
c) Flag item category T (= Text) as "not allowed" for purchase requisitions.
d) Delete item category T (=Text) for the document type "Purchase order".
8. Which in-store processes can you perform using SAP Retail Store?
Select true or false for each possible answer.
Note: There are 3 true answers to this question.
True False
a) Carry out store physical inventory.
b) Make transfer postings.
c) Do Web reporting.
d) Create allocation tables.
e) Trigger sales forecasts.
9. You are expecting a slowdown in sales for the coming season.
In SAP Retail, how can you reduce a purchasing volume that has already been ordered for the coming season?
Select the correct answer.
a) You cancel purchase orders in the active purchase order monitor.
b) You cancel purchase orders via e-mail in the reactive purchase order monitor.
c) In the activities profile, you specify that the activity "Cancel" should be executed automatically.
d) You cancel purchase orders or purchase order items in the SAP Event Manager.
10. You are responsible for creating customer master records in SAP Retail. You select the appropriate ‘template' for creating the customer master record that determines the number range to be used and which data fields are required. What is the ‘template' for creating customer master records?
Select the correct answer.
a) Account Group
b) Partner Function
c) Material Type
d) Industry Sector
11. What type of Assortments can be shared by multiple sites?
Select the correct answer.
a) General Assortment
b) Assortment Module
c) Local Assortment Type A
d) Local Assortment Type B
12. Supplementary logistics services (SLS) specify how an article is to be processed in the distribution center. Which document allows for the generation of the SLS sub items?
Select the correct answer.
a) Collective Purchase Order
b) Group Purchase Order
c) Standard Purchase Order
d) Stock Transport Order
13. Business Planning and Simulation is used to map your planning scenarios. InfoCubes contain the actual and planned data required for the analysis. Which object corresponds with the planned and actual infoCubes?
Select the correct answer.
a) Planning Area
b) Planning Method
c) Planning Level
d) Planning Package
14. As part of the implementation of SAP Retail in your company it has been decided that new article master records created require a unique sequential number to be assigned for the article number. Where would this control option be set?
Select the correct answer.
a) Article Type
b) Site Master
c) Merchandise Category
d) Article Category
15. The article master record consists of multiple views of information. Organizational data may be mandatory or optional for the creation of a view. Which view can be created optionally for a Sales Organization and Distribution Channel?
Select the correct answer.
a) Listing View
b) Logistics: DC View
c) POS View
d) Sales View
16. What sequences are possible during multi step replenishment planning?
Select true or false for each possible answer.
Note: There are 2 true answers to this question.
True False
a) Load sales data with stock posting – Determine requirement calculation data – Calculate requirements – Generate follow-on documents
b) Determine requirement calculation data – Load sales data with stock posting – Calculate requirements – Generate follow-on documents
c) Calculate requirements – Load sales data with stock posting – Determine requirement calculation data – Generate follow-on documents
d) Load sales data with stock posting – Generate follow-on documents – Determine requirement calculation data – Calculate requirements
17. In price determination, the condition basis for a discount should be determined dynamically as the difference between two subtotals. What settings do you need to make in SAP Retail so that this request can be implemented?
Select true or false for each possible answer.
Note: There are 2 true answers to this question.
True False
a) The two subtotals must be assigned in the calculation schema above the discount condition type.
b) The condition basis is determined using a basis formula.
c) No mathematical operations can be carried out with the subtotals of the calculation schema.
d) The condition basis of the discount condition must correspond to one subtotal.
e) The percentage discount condition type must have a from-reference step.
18. A retailer wants to use the allocation table function regularly to distribute merchandise evenly from the DC to multiple stores. What do you need to do in SAP Retail to prepare for this process?
Select true or false for each possible answer.
Note: There are 2 true answers to this question.
True False
a) You create an allocation table type that contains the allocation strategy "Equal Distribution". b) You create a site group for the stores.
c) You create a notification category that contains the business transaction "Stock Reduction".
d) You create an allocation rule type in which storage location determination is activated for the distribution center.
e) You set up an item category that, among other things, controls the generation of vendor orders as follow-on documents.
19. What data do you need to optimize the sales price of articles in SAP Demand Management?
Select true or false for each possible answer.
Note: There are 3 true answers to this question.
True False
a) Article master data
b) Sales data
c) Price changes
d) Restriction profiles
e) Article list
20. Which components belong to the SAP POS solution?
Select true or false for each possible answer.
Note: There are 3 true answers to this question.
True False
a) POS Xpress
b) POS Manager
c) POS Configurator
d) Mobile POS devices
e) Converter
1 a) Correct, b) Incorrect, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
2 a) Correct, b) Incorrect, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
3 a) Correct, b) Incorrect, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
4 a) Correct, b) Correct, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
5 a) Correct, b) Correct, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect, e) Incorrect
6 a) Correct, b) Correct, c) Correct, d) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
7 a) Correct, b) Incorrect, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
8 a) Correct, b) Correct, c) Correct, d) Incorrect, e) Incorrect
9 a) Correct, b) Incorrect, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
10 a) Correct,b) Incorrect, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
11 a) Correct,b) Incorrect, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
12 a) Correct,b) Incorrect, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
13 a) Correct,b) Incorrect, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
14 a) Correct,b) Incorrect, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
15 a) Correct,b) Incorrect, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
16 a) Correct,b) Correct, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
17 a) Correct,b) Correct, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
18 a) Correct,b) Correct, c) Incorrect, d) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
19 a) Correct,b) Correct, c) Correct, d) Incorrect, d) Incorrect
20 a) Correct,b) Correct, c) Correct, d) Incorrect, d) Incorrect